8.20(星期六) E for Electro兩週年派對倒數
很高興可以與Evil Nine的Tom在百忙之中進行這次的專訪!
由 Tom Beaufoy 與 Pat Pardy 組成的 Evil Nine,他們拒絕盲目順應市場的流行。始終包有獨特的音樂觀念,眾多不同領域的DJ與製作人便紛紛指明邀請他們來打造混音單曲版本,眾多的混音裡最廣為人知的應,該就是他們為樂團ILS打造的單曲Music以及為UNKLE安可樂團炮製的 Reign REMIX。他們的創作靈感受到了各種不同類型的音樂所啟發,包含有 hip hop, punk, deep house, garage rock, House, techno且遊走於Italo-Disco,Electro,Break,Indie Dance,New Wave,French Touch以及流行音樂的獨特選曲涵養。擅於利用原創與極簡又動人純粹的音樂和節奏來打動人心。
EforElectro X Evil Nine interview
HI Tom & Pat好久不見,你們好嗎?距離2007年的台灣演出不知不覺已經過了4年,我們都很想念你們精彩的表演,這段時間中有沒有發生些新鮮特別的生活和演出之中的趣事可以與我們分享一下呢?
Evil Nine:
They Live專輯發行&巡迴演出之後,我們發現你們共同成立了一個全新的唱片廠牌"For Lovers Records"並發行了多張單曲還有一張合輯似乎有別於以往風格的熱門單曲你們也從原有的音樂製作人的頭銜之外又多了獨立唱片主理人的角色。是甚麼樣的動機讓你們有想要成立自己的唱片廠牌呢?For Lovers想要要強調與表達的精神為何?與Marine Parade唱片還會繼續合作發行更多妳們的單曲或專輯嗎?
Evil Nine:
我們創立For Lovers原因有兩個:一是當在編寫音樂時,我們可以不受限嘗試各種不同風格並在製作音樂過程給予自己更多的自由與概念延伸。其二,我想是因為我們自己也想當個能夠掌控大局的品牌主理人,這樣才可在廠牌的音樂風格與選擇上有更大的突破。
我們很高興在過去的時間裡Evil Nine的專輯和單曲受到樂迷喜愛,我們的音樂已成功被定位並廣受大眾熟知,但我們覺得這其中似乎少了點趣味。身為表演者,我們認為與其被動地延續風格與等待靈感上門,倒不如放手一搏大膽去嘗試其它不一樣的東西。Evil Nine未來也還是會與Marine Parade共同合作,Adam Freeland和Marine Parade就像我們的家人一樣。目前我們也正努力籌備寫出更棒的曲目。
對於幾年前開始襲捲整個歐洲的Indie Dance/Electro風格以及英國這3年來Dub-Step/UK Funky等Bass系音樂類型迅速掘起。一直到目前Electro/House混合著Techno的樂風日趨茁壯還有像Disco/italo Disco的回歸復興等新舞池風潮。對於這些現象你們有何看法?
Evil Nine:
我們都是音樂愛好者,所以對各種音樂類型都抱持欣賞與開放的態度去聆聽。在過去幾年中,Disco和Italo Disco音樂影響我們最深。在Disco和Acid House全盛時期,Italo形態的音樂在舞曲界中曾消失了一段時間。但是,我們認為Italo比起其它音樂風格對我們來說也是影響很深的類型之一。喜歡我們的樂迷應該都知道Evil Nine是John Carpenter的大粉絲,我們一直覺得在John的音樂曲調和偏黑暗又帶有藝術氣息的曲風其實與Italo Disco也是有聯結的。很高興看到Italo又影響現在的新舞池風潮,這麼棒的音樂類型也是時候該得到大家的重視了。
你們連續的在For Lovers發行了4張單曲It's You/Stay Up/Auto還有Ultimo,在聆聽的過程中我們感受到有別以往的風格轉變,更多性感歡愉的音色出現在歌曲編排,也運用了許多90's Techno/Italo Disco/Tech house作為基底,甚至加入像是交響樂以及Progressive等從未在之前出現過的澎湃多元的音樂元素,可以與我們聊聊這些驚人轉變的過程與故事嗎?
Evil Nine:
早期Evil Nine的音樂風格,聽起來或許有點嚴肅。而我們一直在尋找其它的方式來改變自己過去原本的音樂風格與定位。隨著For Lovers的誕生,我們只想拋開過去嚴肅正經的音樂表達方式,開始嘗試製作一些比較有趣且活潑動感的舞池音樂。而會有這樣的想法,是起源於製作 Ultimo過程,剛開始我們只想寫出一首裡頭會有電子音樂元素的曲目;過了一陣子,我們突發奇想的認為乾脆加入我們所想的到90年代一些很老派的音樂類型與音色,企圖搏君一笑。而當作品完成後的結果卻令人十分意外。當然我們也都很滿意。最重要的是,在製作過程中我們都覺得很有樂趣。在創作過程,我們受到各種音樂類型影響但並不全然是所有的風格都涵蓋其中,Evil Nine在早期的音樂已在樂迷心中有著明確的定位;所以針對For Lovers,我們想將Evil Nine過去所受到各式不同音樂類型的體驗與影響,反應在我們的音樂作品裡。更重要的是,我們期望在製作過程中可以玩得更開心!
Evil Nine以及For Lovers唱片在2011年與2012年還有哪些動態可以搶先透露給亞洲的樂迷嗎?Evil Nine未來要發行的單曲會與其他優秀的Remixer以及Producer合作嗎?
Evil Nine:
目前,我們與Marine Parade正在籌備發行第3張專輯。第3張專輯當中,音樂曲風會屬於較為靜態且流動感的夜店風格曲目。 7月還會在AutoKratz所成立的新廠牌'Bad Life'推出一張單曲唱片,單曲內包含了Little Prince以及Roar兩首全新的創作單曲。如前面我所說,針對我們自創的For Lovers,他是為了讓Evil Nine可不受限並隨意發行各種我們喜愛的新興藝人與音樂類型為主軸。我們非常開心For Lovers的四首單曲計畫都順利發行也得到許多DJ朋友們的熱情回應,我們希望2011年能夠與更多不同唱片廠牌聯名合作。目前我們有很多好的人選但還沒確定會與誰進行最終的Remix計畫,但可以肯定的是未來我們會與更多優秀的夥伴一起合作。
Evil Nine:
其實我們造訪亞洲不下數十次了,我們一直都很喜歡亞洲。亞洲的粉絲們都很棒、很熱情。我們很喜歡和樂迷們一起hang out也很喜愛當地的美食。
EforElectro X Evil Nine interview
Hi, Tom and Pat. How are you? It’s been four years since your last performance in Taiwan 2007. All the fans miss you two very much so can you share anything interesting or something impress you the most no matter in life or work during the last four years?
Evil Nine:
Aw! That's nice. We miss you guys too and can't wait to play for you again. It's Monday morning here and I'm finding it very hard to remember what we've been doing for the last four years although I'm sure we've been doing something interesting and impressive. We might have to get back to you on this one when we've had a few coffee's……. :-)
After you had released “They Live” and finished the tour around the countries, we’ve seen that two of you had launched your own record label “For Lovers Records” and have already released many single albums and music collection. We’ve discovered that the styles in these albums are quite different compare with your other popular singles. Also people were already identified you two as quality producer but now it seems that you’re having another title that they think Evil Nine is also an independent record director and that made us wondering what was the motivation to let you start your own record label? And we also would like to know in FOR LOVERS, what kind of the spirit or emotion that you want to express or emphasize to your fans? Is there any possibility that you two would release more singles or music collection in the following albums with Marine Parade in the near future?
Evil Nine:
We started the 'For Lovers' label so we could write music in different styles and give ourselves more artistic freedom; we wanted to be the boss for a change I guess. Also we were known for that very specific 'Evil Nine sound' and we'd gotten a little bored with it and as artists we felt the need to try something different to stay inspired, we love the big records we're known for still though. We'll definitely be releasing more music on Marine Parade because Adam and the label are our family; we're just waiting for the right tracks to be written.
Few years ago, the Indie Dance and Electro music styles are praise by many people and as for Dub-Step and UK Funky etc is also becoming popular in England.
Until now, Electro and House are mixed with the kind Techno music trend is popping out in nowadays, too so at this point, I would like to ask what is your thought in the new style of Disco and Italo Disco that kind of retro renaissance phenomena is receiving huge praise from people in nowadays?
Evil Nine:
We're just massive music fans really so we love it all, Disco and Italo Disco have been a big influence on us over the years for sure. Italo was often thought of as a 'Lost moment' in dance music, the time between Disco and Acid House but we've always thought of it as just as important as either. Everyone knows that we're big fans of John Carpenter and we always thought there was a link between his music and the darker, more atmospheric side of Italo Disco. It's great to hear its influence in modern dance music and it's finally getting the respect it deserves which is great.
You had released four singles after launched the your own record label FOR LOVERS, It’s you and Ultimo and Stay up and Auto EP. I can feel these singles are so much different compared with previous albums. There is much more joyful rhythm in the song arrangement and you had used 90’s Techno/Italo Disco and Tech house as the basic background. You two even add the orchestra and progressive and even more other musical elements. I think some of the fans didn’t heard those musical elements in the previous albums so I would like to ask can you briefly tell us about the transition or story during you’re recording these singles?
Evil Nine:
I guess our earlier music is quite 'serious' and we were always looking to do something completely different and original, with the For Lovers label we just wanted to forget all that seriousness and have some fun. It all came from writing Ultimo really, we wanted to write a track that was a little more electronic and after a while we just thought 'Lets put every 90's dance music cliché we can think of into this for a laugh' and to our surprise we loved it and had a lot of fun. We've always had a wide range of musical influences but not all of them we're that obvious in our earlier music, with For Lovers we wanted to bring those influences to the foreground, learn about writing them and most importantly have FUN!
Can you first tell the Asian fans about Evil Nine and your own record label For Lovers the following plan in this year and next year? And I also would like to know will Evil Nine collaborate with other excellent remixer and producers in the following singles?
Evil Nine:
We're currently writing our third album for release on Marine Parade as well as writing a steady flow of club tracks, the latest is a double 'A-side' of 'Little Prince' & 'Roar' which is being released on The Autokratz label 'Bad Life' very soon. As i said before our For Lovers label is there for us to release any music we feel like without boundaries, we're super happy with the first four releases and have more lined up for the rest of 2011as well as tracks for other labels. We haven't yet confirmed any new remixers but we will definitely be hooking up with more quality people....
Since this is your second time to Asia perhaps you can say something to your fans before your arrival?
Evil Nine:
We've actually been to Asia about ten times and we always love it, you're all beautiful people, we love hanging out with you and eating your lovely food.
專訪製作:Freaky Squeaker
翻譯:Lauren (show house)
回覆刪除Wishes for ''E for Electro''
回覆刪除Unfamiliar Friends Party:
成團來最瘋狂最過癮的演出經驗就是E for Electro的活動!100分的節目,100分的設備,100的舞客,100分的E for Electro!!!!!生日快樂!!!
[comma,comma] production:
熟悉派對文化+熱愛音樂的promoter!絕佳組合的E for Electro 2週年快樂!!!
首先預祝E for Electro兩週年生日快樂,自上次受邀表演感受到整個團隊的
用心!!Happy birthday E for Electro
還未感受到E for Electro所舉辦派對的朋友們也務必於8.20號到Show
(台中市南屯區大觀路161號) 享受|E for Electro兩週年派對
GO CHIC & Bounce Girlz:
謝謝E For Electro從剛開始就一直很挺我們! 讓我們一直感受到台中人的熱力!Happy anniversary!!
E for Electro加油! 中部最棒的電音場景!
DJ Mykal a.k.a林哲儀:
E for Electro & E for Eternity!!! 期待能永遠努力為台灣派對場景帶來一場又一場優質的PARTY囉哈哈~~~
DJ Spykee:
Always love to Dance and Rock in Taichung with E for Electro!!!
Evil Nine:
nice vibe,heavy sound,twist groove.what can i say?
Best production of Electro in Taiwan.
Funky Gong:
I like play my sound on E for Electro!