
3/5 (Sat) E for Electro pre. Return Of Disco Rocket @ 89K ,Taichung


E for Electro
Return Of Disco Rocket @ 89K ,Taichung 台中
2011 03 05 (Sat) 22:00~04:00

Rock of Electro~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
邀請搖滾地下樂團 .22 & Feardrivev
與前衛電子DJ Disk0Kidz
Fantasy Entrance雙人DJ back to back,現場長笛與二胡演出

Line Up:

DJ Disk0Kidz ( French House / Disco )
Fantasy Entrance ( DJ Set / flute & Erhu Live)
.22 ( Live )
Feardrive ( Live )


.22 is a power trio. The combination of eclectic majestic guitar being driven by the impermeable rhythm section makes for an undeniable foundation. With the three piece harmonies intertwined.... prepare for an inspirational journey into a myriad of musical universes.

Feardrive 樂團 (LIVE)
A fear-drive (hyphenated form) is a component of a psychological theory which suggests how an unpleasant internal state (fear), whether real or imagined, impels avoidance. However, feardrive lies on the opposite end of the spectrum, supporting the concept of how attempting to reduce or eliminate a fear can drive an individual to achieve that which was previously thought of as surreal or impossible.


80年代末期,Disk0Kidz是個沈溺在街頭滑板與嘻哈/搖滾Grunge的懞懂少年.直到他遇到台灣傳奇DJ Point而一腳踏入DJ的領域。從最早的使用卡式錄音帶嘗試把音樂不中斷銜接到拿假證件進入脫衣酒吧擔任代班DJ而接觸到唱盤與CD唱盤,他一直不斷的成長並學習到更多關於電子音樂的資訊與製作與DJ技巧。進入2000年,他以NATTY的名義陸續在高雄Virus以及台北Ibiza擔任Guest DJ,也在當時進入台北知名唱片公司夢田音樂並於多場大型Rave Party演出。

曲風融合多樣化電子舞曲元素的優秀表演者, 前衛獨特的選曲觸感極度好評!
展現強烈個人風格與成熟技巧獲得TAI / Rogue Element / Tim Healey / Evil Nine / Black Noise / NinetyniNe等眾多國際一線DJ們的一致背書。

A fashionable music producer, his music is full of unique improvised sounds that take you to the next level of Funky Groove pumping bass. This mixed with wild and sexy Break'n'Beat make for a fiesta of new flavor. Using powerful rock and roll influences he creates an explosion of energy. His music will take you on a kaleidoscopic whirlwind electronic adventure that will leave you only panting for more. He has played in places as far afield as Hong Kong, Denmark, Tibet, China and Singapore. 2002~2007 he played with Mark Allen(UK)、Tim Healey(UK)、GMS(UK)、Mino(Denmark)、FTC(Israel)、Cosma(Israel)、Evil Nine(UK)、Felix Cartal(CA)、LA Riots(US)、Atomic Hooligan(UK)、Aquasky(UK)、Rogue Element(UK)、Anderson Noise(BR)、DatA(FR).



Fantasy Entrance ( LIVE )
X(長笛/二胡)+Y(Tech House + Break Beat) = β Fantasy Entrance §改變既有思維§
也許電子音樂已經淹沒在萬獸趴白趴的洪流之中,但是電音+現場LIVE的感動我們還有Fantasy Entrance可以引頸期盼。
Tech House的主體+Tribal/Progressive靈魂的重拍,搭配現場流暢爵士迴轉的薩克斯風,尾隨著LIVE悠揚長笛笛音的轉調演出,不可被定義的電子熱潮即將誕生。
流竄著Electro、DnB + Break Beat元素的開場,碎拍結合Scratch與現場LIVE二胡演奏,古老中國曲折婉轉的二胡小調x碎拍的衝突美學,是你不曾經歷的東西方音樂交融高潮。
X (flute / Erhu / saxophone) + Y (DJ Set /Tech House + Break Beat) = β Fantasy Entrance ( LIVE )


350NT/1 Drink

E for Electro
官網: http://e4electro-tw.blogspot.com/
FB粉絲: http://www.facebook.com/e4electro.tw

89K Taichung
21 Da Guan Road,Taichung | 台中市大觀路21號

