NinetyniNe (Digithype/Canada)
加拿大 Bedroom DJ轟動全球跳舞圈的最佳範例!
多首單曲受到Proxy/Le Petit Pilous/Q.G./SebastiAn/Mr.Oizo/Justice等知名藝人現場演出強力播放!
美國LA大型俱樂部Avalon,比利時知名夜店Flight Club爭相邀請演出!
NinetyniNe絕對是加拿大跳舞圈的新希望,以新人的姿態出現的他在短短幾年之中表現出獨特成熟的音樂製作實力與現場演出的深厚功力與舞台魅力席捲歐洲與美國,他在早期受到了包括Air/Daft Punk/Cassius/The Chemical Brothers等藝人的深刻影響,讓他在創作上的音樂形態就有像是如同Justice/SebastiAn/Mr.Oizo合體般的Nightmare Electro風格,讓每位舞客與參與者留下了無法忘懷的強烈重擊體驗,這也讓他很快的受到法國舞曲界的強烈關注與詢問,並迅速在2009年簽入巴黎知名獨立廠牌Digithype唱片與加拿大的獨立品牌Close To Modern.而眾多表演邀約也隨著他的首張EP發行後引爆,包括Proxy/SebastiAn/Busy P/Q.G./Mr.Oizo/Justice/Feadz/DJ Mehdi等知名一線DJ都曾經在演出中持續熱播他的多首單曲.E4 Electro很幸運的能在民國99年即將結束的時刻邀請到這位實力堅強的新生代表演者
Ninetynine has made a name for himself in circles around the world for producing a special brand of nightmare electro. Although his variety of music is heavy and sinister, his roots stem from that of Air, Daft Punk, Cassius, and The Chemical Brothers. These masters of electronic music inspired Ninetynine to take a chance and produce electronic music some number of years ago.
Ever since then, Ninetynine has come a far way from being a bedroom producer. To date, Ninetynine’s tracks have been featured in mixsets by the likes of The Proxy, Q.G., Le Petit Pilous, and Mashed Paper Klub. He has played in massive clubs ranging from Avalon in Los Angeles USA, to Fight Klub in Bruxelles Belgium. Ninetynine is currently signed to Digithype Records (Fr), and is working to release a new ep in March to follow up on his first killer ep "L'argent"