2010 09 18 (Sat)
E for Electro 1st Year Anniversary Party
繼上次E for Elect台中夏日高空音樂會完美的結束. 超過一千一百人次一起狂歡派對, E for Electro團隊滿週年, 9/18星期六再次打造精采活動, 請拭目以待
Line Up:
22:00~23:30 SOUNDSQUASH (Deep house, Minimal)
23:30~01:00 Eat Me! Black Hole! (Electro/Techno)
01:00~02:00 GO CHIC (LIVE)
02:00~03:30 DJ Squeaker (Electro/French Touch/Disco)
03:30~06:00 Swank DJs (Matty & Gareth) (Electro/ Indie Dance)
E for Electro
官方網站 Website http://e4electro-tw.blogspot.com
臉書粉絲 Facebook http://www.facebook.com/e4electro.tw
搖滾可以帶電。剛開始是4名女子玩的「Go chic」,今年改換以3女1男組合現身,仍擺著一副煙視媚行,跩氣橫秋的婊態,強勢殺進樂團圈。約2年前成軍,Go chic打著「女子搖滾」快速度在獨立音樂圈走紅,拿著大聲公的主唱衝撞人群,合成器女子拿著手中的空酒瓶,在台上公然茫掉或大飆髒話;20多歲的派對女孩們很兇悍熱血,還被國外知名樂團大力推薦,看來她們似乎並不膚淺,新輯「I’m confused!!」也將自製推出,放話要帶來新的搖滾舞池體驗。在舞臺上,Go chic的3名女子不避嫌裸露自己傲人的青春肉體,大方用洋派的歌詞,以大能量的搖滾混合激烈或妖嬈的電子節奏唱出女孩兒們的愛情、性以及挫折跟歡愉。
Go Chic is an dance/pop/punk/electro group which started in Taipei around 2007, current members are Sonia Lai (賴思勻), Ariel Zheng (鄭思齊), Sarah Wen (溫一珊). This new band hit the scene with brightly colored tights and short shorts, laughing and joking with the crowd as they pumped out raw, catchy, dance-electro. Since then, Go Chic has lost a couple of members, gained a male drummer-Winston Li (李昀璁), and graduated to silver tutus and a coveted place as one of Nike’s 10 top Taiwanese bands for the company’s NIKE SPORTSWEAR NIGHT PARTY. They've played with such notable acts as Vicarious Bliss(Ed Banger FR), Dandi Wind(CA), Shitdisco(Dim Mak UK), Death Is Not My Aim(JP), etc. And are currently active in Taiwan playing various festivals and venues.
DJ Squeaker ( (Electro/French Touch/Disco)
2001~09年間曾與Mark Allen(UK)、GMS(UK)、Mino(Denmark)、FTC(Israel)、Cosma(Israel)、Tim Healey (UK) 、VJ Kaz (JP) 、VJ D-Fuse (UK)等知名國外DJ&VJ同台演出,在不斷的累積演出及創作經驗後,曲風也轉而走向多元化混種形態,音樂裡充滿奇特聲響所構成的異次元氛圍,帶動著Funky Groove的滾動低音,融合著狂野又性感的Break’n’Beat節奏,加上強勁又源源不絕的搖滾及彈跳能量形成的巨大張力,充滿著更多的聆聽性以及有如旅程般的故事性。House、Techno、Break、Dance Rock與Electro、Dutch House相互完美混搭形成他獨特且多樣的選曲概念與過程架構…以活潑頑皮的舞動與聽覺感受打開台下聽眾的全新視野, 令人不由自主的隨著節拍起舞。
Squeaker的演出足跡從2001年開始擴展到丹麥、香港、新加坡與北京、上海等地。並獲得許多舞客的一致好評與熱烈迴響。2009年與英國傳奇二人組 Evil Nine、LA時尚跳舞品牌Dim Mak旗下新秀Felix Cartal以及LA Riots、Atomic Hooligan、Aquasky、Rogue Element還有全球百大24名DJ Anderson Noise在台共同出演締造佳話。2010年五月也受邀為法國Electro巨星DatA於The Wall Taipei同台演出,目前定居在故鄉台南,並不定時舉辦精緻地下派對並持續在台南推廣各式獨立電子音樂。
A fashionable music producer, his music is full of unique improvised sounds that take you to the next level of Funky Groove pumping bass. This mixed with wild and sexy Break'n'Beat make for a fiesta of new flavor. Using powerful rock and roll influences he creates an explosion of energy. His music will take you on a kaleidoscopic whirlwind electronic adventure that will leave you only panting for more. He has played in places as far afield as Hong Kong, Denmark, Tibet, China and Singapore. 2002~2007 he played with Mark Allen(UK)、Tim Healey(UK)、GMS(UK)、Mino(Denmark)、FTC(Israel)、Cosma(Israel)、Evil Nine(UK)、Felix Cartal(CA)、LA Riots(US)、Atomic Hooligan(UK)、Aquasky(UK)、Rogue Element(UK)、Anderson Noise(BR)、DatA(FR).
Swank DJs (Matty D & Gareth Jones Back in Taiwan!!!)
DJ Gareth Jones
自加拿大Nanaimo的浩室強人Gareth Jones (D’Jones),從2001年就開始投入DJ台的音樂世界裡,尤其在看了幾位浩室傳奇人物,例如Mark Farina和DJ Dan的演出後,他對音樂更加的著迷,也篤定了他對音樂創作的決心。
2002年,Gareth和同鄉的老友DJ Declan組成了Swank Productions,不管是宣傳、設計及創作都由他們一手包辦,也成功地舉辦了D&G Housecats、花蓮雙年倉庫派對 (引爆秋花 The Hualien Fallout)、台中的Aquaboogie泳池派對…等活動。
Swank經過了六年的成長,Gareth在台灣甚至是亞洲打出了很高知名度,他所選擇的音樂總是讓人無法克制的舞動起來,他常受邀到各大活動當DJ,像是EPSDJs的Deep Inside和Citrus的派對,他也常在台北的Luxy、MOS、Eden、The Face、Cor和台中的Bobo’s、Trendy、Club CU、Soundgarden、Sparc、Liquid Lounge等知名夜店中演出。
After a year in Montreal gorging on poutine and smoked meat sandwiches, he's back, and oh baby is he ever ready to twiddle some knobs, slide some faders, and don his pink power ranger mask in the Middle City! So ya'll better dust off yr thighmasters (and, you know, get your legs in shape....so you can dance, longer), pick out your most neon (neonest?) tight 'n bright gear and lace up them dancing shoes 'cause this old school Taichunger is as tall as a 6' 3" tree and ready to wrawk the shiz outta f#$@! He's got such an awesome shwack of new music in his virtual crate (his music comes from the Internet, not some far off exotic place that DJs travel to to find unique tunes) that ya'all are gonna end up tossing your panties at his FACE!
As for his credentials? He's been on the bill with some of the world's best: Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartal (Can), Rithma (U.S), Johnny Fiasco (U.S), Hipp-E. (U.S), James Zabiela (U.K), Azzido Da Bass, Hybrid, Ronski Speed, Tim Healey (U.K), Takkyu Ishino (Japan)... References provided upon request.
Panties or not, Gareth is excited to see all yr smiling faces (and rock locks
DJ MAtty D
相信大家對Swank DJs並不陌生.. 隸屬Swank DJs的Matty D 五年以來, 從發生在台中的週末Swank Party旋風, 2009墾丁激音改造, 到今年結束了自身修行復出後的首場party跟DJ Spykee Fat在台中造成了全國各地粉絲都往台中跑的瘋狂現象… Matty D曾與 Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.) 同台演出.. 今後Matty D的Big Beats, 群眾魅力, 還有很爆笑的舉動將會全部在Neon Nights at the Loft 高度曝光.. 各位請拭目以待!
Matty Diesel has been making the dance floors of Taiwan move for the last 5 years. With his distinct blend of electro house , indie dance, breaks, and big ass bass, Matty always brings something fresh. Having shared stages with the likes of Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.), Spykee (Taiwan), plus many other talented djs, Matty Diesel’s passion for dance music comes out at every show. With his animated stage presence, big beats, and interaction with the crowd, every show is different and not to be missed. This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 at 1:08 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Eat Me! Black Hole!
台北舞場有很多嘖嘖厲害的單身赴會DJ,但是像Eat Me!Black Hole!這樣四手聯彈DJ Duo天秤座花美少男組已經一陣子沒有出現。所以在上次與Designer Drugs同台暖場set裡,Eat Me!Black Hole!以極端性的手法轉玩Controller和Mixer,混雜electro還有壞壞的味道讓全場都好爆炸,連在休息室的Designer Drugs 1/2都一值探頭拍手。緊接著在春天吶喊電舞台,更是讓大家都掉進好神秘好過份的電氣黑洞,立刻就產出了死忠的粉絲群一路追隨Eat Me!Black Hole!到各地party。
來自德國的 Soundsquash. 在DJ的領域有12年經驗,已在多場活動表演, 這次要帶來的是他最拿手的Deep house, Minimal, 絕對讓你驚豔。
Born in the 1980's Soundsquash grew up with lots of different musical influences. Influenced by Funk and Soul from the 70's and 80's and DJ Radio shows with many famous Dj's at that time Soundsquash want to become a DJ . After saving all of his pocket money for at least 1 year he bought his first Turntables in the age of 13. Inspiriert by 90's House music he started to practise until he got his first gigs in the age of 16. In the age of 16 Soundsquash joined a Hip Hop group and started to work on Turntablism skills. The name Soundsquash was given to him by one of the Rapers. The name stands for squeezing out the best sound of the music. After playing successfully in all kinds of Clubs in the Rhein Main Region and in big events with more than 3000 people. After for 5 years of playing Hip Hop Soundsquash was looking for a new challenge so he switched back to House music. Soundsquash's style is between Deep house, Minimal, Funk Soul, Jazz and Disco. Today Soundsquash played in venues in Germany, Spain and Taiwan. In 2009 he started together with his friends Al Bruno and BB the Dj Team "Music for Cats". Soundsquash always tries to have fun with the people and play the right record at the right time.
ATDoor現場: 500付一杯酒
Per Sale預售: 400付一杯酒
VIP Rooms:
大包廂4500可以六人免門票(可以抵消費) 有3間
小包廂3500可以四人免門票(可以抵消費) 有3間
Big Room minimum charge $4500 (incl 6 tickets)
Small Room minimum charge $3500 (incl 4 tickets)
Light Lounge , Taichung
No.85, HuaMei W.St.Sec.1,Taichung, Taiwan
more info: 0928900255