DJ Kolette
受到電子音樂的多元及變化跟延伸出的各種類型曲風引響,讓她逐漸對電子音樂產生出濃烈的興趣,也積極地接觸電腦音樂創作,在結束樂團生活後加入Tripper Reocrds,經過了時間的洗禮讓創作逐步成熟銳變為屬於自己的聲音。躍動的節奏配上低音線條,低語呢喃的人聲裡逐漸跳脫出更種音效呈現出獨特的律動感,在Techno,Electro,minimal,house的類型裡面遊走。
Being the youngest member of Tripper Records, Kolette combines elegant vocal looping with vivid sounds in her production. She has been producing for a little more than a year, but Kolette’s production has already been creating much hype in Taipei. Her first digital single, “What’s Normal” is alive and kicking. Adding psychedelic French vocal and thick bass line,the track has generated buzz and firmly establishing Kolette as the up and coming dance music producer in Taiwan. Mixture of French and Taiwanese, Kolette’s diverse background and heavy punk rock influence gives her an unique character that often mesmerize the dance-floor.
DJ T.T (Electro/House)
身兼模特兒,設計師與Dancer,並在三個行業都有亮眼成績的Teddy,在對音樂強烈熱情的驅使下開始接觸DJ,對於節奏和音樂的天份在短時間內展露無遺。本身也是party animal的Teddy擅長以Electro House和歡樂的氣氛使人無法停止的跳躍,拋開一切全心投入做好準備吧!DJ Teddy來了!
DJ Matty D (electro, indie-dance, indie-rock)
相信大家對Swank DJs並不陌生.. 隸屬Swank DJs的Matty D 五年以來, 從發生在台中的週末Swank Party旋風, 2009墾丁激音改造, 到今年結束了自身修行復出後的首場party跟DJ Spykee Fat在台中造成了全國各地粉絲都往台中跑的瘋狂現象… Matty D曾與 Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.) 同台演出.. 今後Matty D的Big Beats, 群眾魅力, 還有很爆笑的舉動將會全部在Neon Nights at the Loft 高度曝光.. 各位請拭目以待! Matty Diesel has been making the dance floors of Taiwan move for the last 5 years. With his distinct blend of electro house , indie dance, breaks, and big ass bass, Matty always brings something fresh. Having shared stages with the likes of Evil Nine (U.K), L.A. Riots (U.S.), Rogue Element (U.K.) Anderson Noise (Bra), Felix Cartel (Can), Rithma (U.S.), Spykee (Taiwan), plus many other talented djs, Matty Diesel’s passion for dance music comes out at every show. With his animated stage presence, big beats, and interaction with the crowd, every show is different and not to be missed. This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 at 1:08 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
DJ Ripper (Indie Electro)
一位極富獨特魅力的表演者. 音樂風格取決於Electro Rock , Breakbeat, Minimal , Progressive等, 震盪出驚人的多重走勢, 更積極活耀於各大型派對上。表演時,不按照一定的規則來創作, 堅持自己想要的方式來表演 , 呈現出融合碎拍,搖滾,浩室等不同樂種的多變面貌, 達到令人驚艷的脫軌領域。曾與許多國際知名DJ同台: Anderson Noise(UK), Rogue Element (UK), Evil Nine(UK), Aquasky(UK), LA Riots(US), Felix Cartal (CA), Atomic Hooligan, Tim Healey(UK )。活耀在各種音樂類型以達到極盡完美,將電子與靈魂結合,這樣的衝擊為他的創作注入了強勁的力量,呈現出極緻的新藝術經典與科技的直覺美,讓舞客們在他的音樂創作當中享受感官的震撼。更經常應邀台中、台北等地演出, 也在墾丁48 HR ReNu Hipstival激音改造音樂節 萬人派對中打動所有人的心, 在無數的歷練和演出經驗中,不但讓他成為台灣重要的舞曲指標推手之一 更讓他在亞洲跟歐洲都有著不小的名氣. 將於近期推出新的專輯CD。performer with unique characteristic. His style depends on Electro Rock , Breakbeat , Minimal , Progressiv it's amazing, and out of control, with a shocking multiple side active on many large parties. While performance, until reaching a astonishing area of freak. He used work with many international famous DJ like: Anderson Noise(UK), Rogue Element(UK), Evil Nine(UK), Aquasky(UK), LA Riots(US), Felix Cartal(CA), Atomic Hooligan, Tim Healey(UK). He’s shining in any type of music which make himself being perfect, with combining electro and soul music, a strong force was injected into his creation, came up with a extremely new classic art and a instant beauty technology. He lets his audiences enjoy his creations with stun of senses. Moreover, been invited to performing in Taipei and Taichung, and Kenting 48 HR ReNu Hipstival with countless training and performing experiences, not only turned him into one of the iconic DJ, but also brought him amount of reputation. it has been to integrate all of the electronic and soul try to make a strong power into his music to show the fine new art with the technology, it makes people convules and enjoying with a sense!! Recently, he will release his new album.
DJ Paul Energy
DJ paul energy ,london , known for his silky smooth mixing skills and genre crossing sets ,paul energy has played all overthe world from Amsterdam and London to goa ,australia and indonesia (mtv asia)...appeared on stage alongside some of the best in the business including carl cox (ravestock)dimitri from paris (kiss) andcevin fisher (M.O.S) .guaranteed to get your pulse racing and your feet moving with his own inimitable brand of music .
DJ Z (Hungary) has been involved with the music scene in Taiwan for about 9 years, with residencies and regular appearances at many venues across the island. Played most recently with SOULD OUT and Paul Energy at Light Lounge an, The Beat Symposium (MoS, Eden, Boven) in Taipei and also a former permanent resident at Soundgarden, Oldies and Ibiza in Taichung.He’s known for playing anything from funky/soulful house through dico and funk all the way to broken beats added with lots of soul inside, letting his music guide you on a night of pure enjoyment. Style:Soulful/Funky House and Broken Beats